Cloud Computing: The Modern Way of Manufacturing

Cloud computing is making its space in manufacturing very rapidly. Manufacturers having big machinery, operator networks, supplier data, and records of suppliers often get overwhelmed with the amount of data and fail to utilize it. Many manufactures have implemented on-site IT personnel who looks after storage, backup, and security. But, they are not much efficient and reliable as compared to cloud technology. They also charge a large amount of money. Cloud offers unlimited data storage at a lot less price in comparison to in-house personnel. Your data is absolutely safe on the cloud from any man-made or natural catastrophe. It also protects it from any cybersecurity breaches. The on-site platform finds difficulty in analyzing the complex data and understanding customers' demands. Cloud offers services like security, storage, data analytics, tracking, and monitoring. Cloud computing is the future of manufacturing. So, in order to keep your business ahead of your competition, you must adopt cloud computing as soon as possible.

Benefits of cloud computing in Manufacturing:

Cloud computing requires a stable internet connection to store information and for connectivity. Connectivity is the backbone of the manufacturing Cloud keeps you connected to all the suppliers. Around 90% of manufacturing companies around the world are operating on any of the cloud technology. In contrast with traditional technology, Cloud computing offers several benefits to the manufacturers.

  1. Real-time data delivery

Cloud provides real-time data which can improve decision-making. Managing and governing old data can lead to incompetency, shortage of stock, and downtime. Real-time visibility of machine production and performance can improve the management of the asset. Cloud offers a single operating and real-time platform for eyeing each process. It gives you all the control of your business. It increases speed, reduces cost, optimizes production rate, and maximizes profit.

  1. Cost Reduction

A cloud-based architecture does not require in-house servers. It saves the infrastructure investments. It is more agile than the on-site one. Cloud platforms are highly scalable i.e. they can scale up or down according to the need of your business. The cloud services are based on a subscription-based model. You monthly pay for only those services which you use. The regular maintenance and updating of technology are also done by cloud providers. It fastens the whole process and reduces the malfunctioning of the system. It cuts down the downtime, increasing connectivity which ultimately leads to profit.

  1. Data Security

Transferring your data to the cloud is a big step. Many traditional manufacturers avoid switching to the cloud platform that they will lose their control and data. But instead of getting terrified, look for the benefits. You can swiftly recover your data if any security breach or natural disaster occurs. Cloud providers proactively monitor and dedicatedly work on risk detection, risk prevention, and risk management. It additionally backs up all of your data. You can access it whenever or whatever data you want, whether a single data from a file or a whole file.

  1. Cloud-based ERP

ERP stands for enterprise resource planning. It combines all the processes require in business like finance, manufacturing process, supply chain, services, and others into one single system. It automates the business workflow. There are the various difference between on-premise ERP and cloud-based ERP-

  • Cloud-based ERPs are less in cost and are economical whereas, on-premise ERPs are expensive. They require huge investments.
  • In cloud-based ERPs, the vendors took the responsibility of security. They troubleshoot and proactively looks for error to avoid any mishappening. On the other hand, In on-premise ERPs, the security is in the user's hand. It makes it less secure as the chances of security breaches and data theft get higher.
  • Cloud-based ERPs are stable and they provide continuous latest update whereas, on-premise ERPs lacks such facility.
  • Cloud-based ERPs take less time to implement and do not require any infrastructure cost. In contrast, on-premise ERPs require a lot of time and expenditure.
  • In on-premise ERP, you require technical people and train them to manage ERPs that involve money and time whereas, Cloud-based ERPs free from all of this. The vendor will look after all the technical errors and patch them.
  1. Optimized Supply Chain

The main aim of every manufacturer to get their products to the target audience. Even if the business is first-class, it will be needless if it cannot get to the right people. That is where the supply chain helps. Supply chains refer to the system, collection, and financial information that are in the product for a customer from a provider. It indulges activities like planning and managing. Cloud computing in the supply chain helps businesses to improve their operation and obtain an advantage over their competitors. The cloud computing solutions are delivered in the form of Software as a service (Saas). These services focus on forecasting and planning of the demands and supplies, logistics for the inventory and transports, and asset management. Cloud-based supply chains are intelligent and automated. They look for opportunities that can be harnessed to gain profit. The cloud-based supply chain has the feature of real-time visibility. It keeps the data up to date. It also helps in making quick decisions for the growth of the business. These supply chains speed up the company process. It also has increased responsiveness to enhance the demands. Cloud-based Supply chains are very cost-efficient. It saves money from bottlenecks and logistics issues. It also does not require in-house infrastructure, software, and servers.


Since the world is changing every day, your business should keep pace with it. Embracing cloud will bring your business to the next level. Cloud integrates with various technology like artificial intelligence that helps in automating the whole sector. It improves the weak zones, brings profit, and strengthens the business.

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